Monday, December 14, 2009


-Where did the name mustangs come from?
*The name mustang came from the Spanish word, mestena, meaning a group or herd of horses. The mustangs were bred and brought over to the U.S by the spanish in the 16th century.

-How many wild mustangs are left in the U.S?
*I have read some different things, but I believe their is about 37,000 mustangs left.

-Can horses throw up?
*No, horses can not throw up, because they have a muscular ring between their esophagus and their stomach, which doesn't allow any food, liquid or gas to come back up their esophagus.

-Did people us mustangs in the times of the gold rush?

-How long do horses live?
*Horses live to about 30 years old, but the number varies. Ponies, on the other hand live to be around the age of 30-40 years old.

-How big are they when they are born?

-How tall can mustangs get?
*Horses are measured in hands (4 inches) and mustangs are from 13.2 to 15 hands high.

-What does the government want to do with the wild horses land?
*The mustangs land is being used for cattle ranchers, who are willing to buy the land, and I have also heard of oil drilling on this land.

-Can horses belch?
*No, horses can not burp, because nothing can go back up their esophagus.

How many horses are in one herd?
*The number of herd members in one herd varies from 10 to 70, it depends on the location.

Resources: I have to give credit to Harrison, B., and Jackson W., they came up with most of these questions. However, I thought up a few too, and answered most of them, with a little help from one of my favorite books. Edwards, Elwyn Hartley. Horses. New York: DK Publishing, 1993.

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